MICODEPUR is a production Carboli WT , it is a fungal system operating in symbiosis with the bacterial strains existing in the purification plant . The mushrooms have a large enzymatic properties that allow playback in any ecosystem.

The cultivation and production of the fungus takes place from the analysis of a water sample taken at the entrance to the plant, identify strains of bacteria exist and therefore you process a mixture of fungi capable of living in symbiosis with the same bacteria .

The fungus , inoculated into the oxidation tank , it will adapt to the existing bacterial system yielding the same enzymes that optimize the purifying ability of the bacterium , which in turn gives way to the fungus nutrients for its survival . Exploiting the properties of filamentous fungi , such as the adaptation to changes in physico-chemical, from the resistance and tolerability of changes in pH and heavy metals , fungi function as biocatalyst natural oxidation of all organic waste .